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Unexpected Assassins: Beware of Coconuts, Hippos, and… Vending Machines?

Unexpected Assassins: Beware of Coconuts, Hippos, and… Vending Machines?

We  are all aware that a car crash, an encounter with a lion or a tornado might kill us one day but what if I told you you should really be more frightened of falling coconuts. It turns out that...

Past Posts

CRVS Systems: The Backbone of Global Health and Governance

Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems are fundamental components of national infrastructures, serving as the backbone for health, governance, and child protection advancements...

Grant Award: Rita Wilson Seed Grant

🎉 Exciting News 🎉 We’re thrilled to announce that MakeDeathsCount has been chosen for the prestigious Rita Wilson Seed Grant by the Yale School of Public Health! This incredible opportunity...

New Project: Galkayo, Puntland, Somalia 🇸🇴

The disparity in civil registration between low and middle-income countries has reached critical levels, posing significant challenges, particularly in addressing public health issues. Implementing...

How Caffeine’s Ripple Affects Our Health, Through the Lens of Mortality Data

Caffeine, the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substance, is an integral part of daily life for millions. Found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and various other beverages, caffeine has...

New Partnership: StandOut Search

Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce our newest partnership with StandOut Search & StandOut Connect , a pioneering program powered by Polsky Center at the University of Chicago. This...

Longevity in the East: How Mortality Data Reveals the Pillars of Health in Asia

One striking feature revealed by mortality data in East Asia is the region’s remarkable longevity. Countries such as Japan and South Korea consistently rank among the top nations globally in...

Unveiling Insights from Mortality Data in 2023: A Year in Review

As the world continues to find ways to improve public health, the analysis of mortality data stands as a key instrument in deciphering the health trends and challenges faced by societies globally. The...

Silent Strike: The Untold Story of Snakebites Uncovered by Data

Snakebite envenoming is a significant public health concern and affects a multitude of countries. Each year, two million of the 4.5 – 5.4 million global snakebite victims develop clinical...

Can Mortality Data Redefine Earthquake Preparedness?

Mortality data, or the collection and analysis of deaths in a particular area, is especially significant for natural disaster preparedness. The data allows specific areas to analyze what natural...
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